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Guest Central

DISCOVER God & His Family

You will do this best when you attend the Sunday worship service and bring your family regularly to participate in a Sunday morning Bible study group.  We have age-graded groups, multi-generational groups, men's, women's and co-ed groups - there is something for everyone.

Bible Study Groups, 9:00 am:

Sunday Morning Bible study groups provide an opportunity for people to forge meaningful relationships, study what the Bible means for real life, and reach out to others in need.

Worship Service, 10:30 am:

Scripture reminds us that true worshipers must worship God in "spirit and truth" (John 4:24). The service blends traditional and modern songs that contain heart-inspiring, biblically-sound praises to God.  Like the blending of our casual and more formal musical styles, every attender may wear the attire of their choice that brings honor and praise to God - people who are comfortable in boots and jeans, or slacks and a golf shirt, will feel right at home here.

Discovering God Personally: An encounter with God, thought facilitated by the services and groups on Sunday mornings, happens in the individual heart.

Many people have a variety of questions about Jesus, especially in light of today's scientifically minded, globalized world full of competing truth claims.  We encourage you to view other videos at that will help you on your journey for answers to life's most important questions.  A staff member would be happy to discuss any questions or insights you have about Jesus.

DEVELOP Yourself & Others

Wednesday night programming is designed to offer something that develops you, or provides an opportunity for you to develops others.  Wednesday nights begin at 5:00 pm with our family meal.  Children's music & missions education, and our youth group gathering begin at 6:00 pm to 7:15 and Adult choir practice begins at 7:30 pm. Sunday Evenings provide for adult Life Development classes so you can get involved and experience God shaping you to DEVELOP yourself & others.

DELIVER Purpose & Hope

Wednesday Evenings is the time we set aside for individuals and classes to be on mission to DELIVER Purpose & Hope in the Winnsboro community.  Pray & Go groups meet every Wednesday at 5:30 fellowshipping around the work of prayer and various types of outreach.  FBC also encourages individuals and families to engage in missions beyond Winnsboro.

Click HERE to contact FBC with questions or for more information

If new to FBC text WELCOME to 903-231-7557

Contact Webmaster at

(903) 342-3538

200 W Broadway St
Winnsboro, Wood County, Texas 75494


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