Discover - Develop - Deliver

fbc@fbcwinnsboro.org ● 200 West Broadway ● P.O. Box 63 ● Winnsboro, TX 75494 ● (903) 342-3538
So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. . . we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work". Ephesians 4:11-16 NIV

Wow! What an amazing picture God has in mind for you and for His church! It's His idea that you will become stable, fully mature and completely fulfilled in Christ. This happens as the church and all its members serve you, love you, and encourage you with God's truth. Sign me up! Who wouldn't want that!? But He doesn't stop there. God also is in the process of shaping you to develop others.
Where do you start? First, begin in prayer by surrendering yourself to the purposes of God in your life and in this church. You are a member of a family. There are areas of service that are not glamorous or in the forefront, yet they are critical to the mission of the church -- think of your family, someone has to take out the trash, do the dishes and laundry, change the diapers and even scrub the toilets. It's part of family life. Our church family is no different. We all need to pitch and in to help where help is needed. We will also find that as we serve, areas of gifting become clear. You may find that your sweetspot is working with children, with creative arts, with outreach, or with teaching the Bible in a small group. Once you find that area, we will work together to develop it.
Review the following 7 categories. Click the link to request opportunities of service in that particular area.
1. DO-IT-YOURSELFER - "I am skilled in construction, electrical work, painting or landscaping."
At times, small, volunteer-based projects at church come up that call for people with specific skill sets. Opportunities to serve are also found in North American and International missions. If you are interested in being used in this area, CLICK HERE!
2. NEXT GENERATION - "I have a love for families with young children or teenagers." Everyone in the church with children at home is asked to do their part to assist in the Preschool & Childrens' Sunday School department on Sundays. This area of service is critical for our church continuing its mission of reaching families. Some, however, may have a desire and gifting for on-going service in this area. CLICK HERE for more information.
3. ADMINISTRATIVE HELP - "I like to plan, organize, or perform administrative tasks."
There are many opportunities to help mission-critical events succeed in many areas of ministry. CLICK HERE to explore these opportunities.
4. SHARING JESUS - "I have a passion for people to discover a personal relationship with Jesus."
First Baptist is a Great Commission church. There are several opportunities for you to serve in helping each of our members become "Great Commission Christians." CLICK HERE for short and longer term opportunities.
5. PRAYER - "I am passionate about God's people, God's glory, and Kingdom growth through prayer."
First Baptist can only become what God envisions for her if God's people will humble themselves and pray. Every ministry, every leader, every strategy and goal needs the powerful support of prayer. CLICK HERE for specific prayer ministry opportunities.
6. MUSICAL & ARTSY - "I enjoy music and the arts. It's my thing."
Our church's worship arts ministries are a symphony of the talents made available by church members. If you have a music, video or media talent, our worship ministry is ready to help you express it. CLICK HERE to explore the opportunities.
7. FIRST IMPRESSIONS - "I love people and want them to feel loved and welcome at church."
People who love people are needed in areas of ministry that builds relationships with people, from first impressions to authentic relationships in small groups. CLICK HERE for specific opportunities in our First Impressions Ministry.