Discover - Develop - Deliver ● 200 West Broadway ● P.O. Box 63 ● Winnsboro, TX 75494 ● (903) 342-3538
Beds of Hope is dedicated to serving God by serving foster children and the families they are placed with. We build and provide beds as well as mattresses, pillows and bedding to children who are placed with kinship families, foster families, or returning home.
How We Started
In 2017, FBC Winnsboro was approached by Beds of Hope - Longview in hopes of creating a "branch" location in the northern part of East Texas. Members of FBC went to Longview for a build day and FBC Winnsboro decided that this was something that we wanted to pursue and assist with. Together with Beds of Hope, FBC has placed over 2 dozen beds in the Northeast Texas area for children going into foster care. FBC is delighted and excited about this new ministry opportunity.
Current Needs for Beds of Hope:
Twin Size Mattress Pads
Twin Blankets
Twin sheet w/ Pillow case