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About Us...

First Baptist Church of Winnsboro, Texas was founded in 1872 and has a long history of fruitful ministry. Approximately 250-300 adults and children attend Bible study and worship each week with the expectation of knowing Jesus more, holding others accountable for becoming like Him, and influencing the culture around them. Our church mission model is 3D - Discover, Develop, and Deliver.  We discover God through regular worship and bible study with our church family. We develop ourselves and others by regularly participating in discipleship training and small group bible study. And we deliver purpose and hope to those in our realm of influence locally and around the world. The church is looking for our next pastor to build upon FBC Winnsboro’s rich ministry heritage while expanding our missional impact in the city of Winnsboro and beyond.   


The city of Winnsboro is situated in beautiful Northeast Texas, approximately 100 miles east of Dallas and 60 miles north of Tyler. Winnsboro is a quaint, small community of approximately 3,500 citizens, made up of generational families as well as newcomers from near and far. Winnsboro is a community that loves its ‘Friday Night Lights’, Autumn Trails, Lady Raiders basketball, local restaurants, area lakes, the growing Center for the Arts, and the Farmers’ Market."




Welcome!  We are so glad you are here and pray you experience God’s presence as you join us in person or online. We also pray you will sense that we are a loving family.  You are wanted and accepted here. We want you to discover God’s truth and His family today!


Please text WELCOME to 903-231-7557 to access a digital Connect Card so we may be able to make contact with you to assist you with any pressing needs or questions about FBC Winnsboro.


Becoming a Christian is the most important decision you will ever make. God loved us so much that He became a man in the person of Jesus Christ for one purpose:  to Himself pay the sin penalty we were unable to pay for ourselves. His death on the cross purchased for us the gift of His forgiveness. Forgiveness is applied to the person who intentionally receives it by faith. You can exercise your faith by praying to God that you desire to be right with Him through Christ, you trust that He alone can pay for your sins, and you desire to receive His forgiveness. You have assurance that “if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved” Romans 10:9.

The Bible says “if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come” (2 Corinthians 5:17). His forgiveness gives us a new start. Life and relationships formerly twisted by sin are cleansed and set free to live as God always intended. 


Joining the church. Christ calls Christians to maturity. Members of First Baptist are called of God to meet the needs of others, help others develop in their faith, and deliver the good news of Jesus. Joining the church tells others you want their support in your journey of faith and obedience. It also demonstrates your commitment to give of your time, energy, and treasure to help others reach their potential in Christ.  


You may join our church in three ways: 
1) profess your faith in Christ and be baptized, 2) transfer your letter of membership from another Baptist church, or 3) join by statement of your faith in Christ and your biblical baptism.

Contact Webmaster at

(903) 342-3538

200 W Broadway St
Winnsboro, Wood County, Texas 75494


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